The Wood Group provides the following services in Texas.

Adult Crisis and Respite and Residential Services:

The Wood Group provides Crisis Respite and Residential Services designed to provide 24-hour resident supervision for a short period of time to be observed and assessed by the Community Behavioral Health Center. The length of stay in this program is normally limited to seven to ten days. Psychosocial Programming is a part of the Crisis Respite and Residential Program offered to the residents. Residents in this program must be able to self-administer medications. All medications are monitored and maintained by trained Crisis Residential Staff.

Child and Adolescent Crisis and Respite and Residential Services:

The Wood Group provides Crisis Respite and Residential Services designed to provide 24-hour resident supervision for a short period of time to be observed and assessed by the Community Behavioral Health Center. The length of stay in this program is normally limited to seven to ten days. Psychosocial Programming is a part of the Crisis Respite and Residential Program offered to the residents. Residents in this program must be able to self-administer medications. All medications are monitored and maintained by trained Crisis Residential Staff.

Extended Observation Unit:
State Hospital Step Down Services:

The State Hospital Step-Down Program (SHSDP) is designed to identify, assess, and facilitate the successful transition of adults with serious mental illness (SMI) who exceed the supports available in traditional settings and who are clinically appropriate for transition from a hospital-based setting to community-based services with proper supports.

Jail Diversion Services:
Competency Restoration Services:
Child and Adolescent IDD Respite Services:

The Wood Group provides Crisis Respite Services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a 24-hour supervised residential facility.  These services are for both adults and children.  The Wood Group also provides community support services to individuals and groups with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  The services that are provided are based upon the needs of the individual.

Adult IDD Respite Services:

The Wood Group provides Crisis Respite Services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a 24-hour supervised residential facility.  These services are for both adults and children.  The Wood Group also provides community support services to individuals and groups with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  The services that are provided are based upon the needs of the individual.

Intensive Outpatient Program – IOP:

The Wood Group contracts with Community Behavioral Health Center to provide Intensive Outpatient Services to consumers of the Centers. The services are provided under arrangement with the local Community Behavioral Health Center. The consumers are provided with both individual and group units. The amount of services each individual receives in the program is determined by assessments made by the Community Behavioral Health Center. The services are provided both on-site and in the community.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment (Detox):
United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Services:

The Wood Group provides Short Term Respite beds to Veterans through the Veterans Administration in Big Spring, Texas. The Wood Group works with the Big Spring Veterans Administration to ensure Residents receive quality Residential and Clinical services. Residential Services are provided to Veterans based on admission criteria developed by the Veterans Administration.

Consulting Services:

The Wood Group will contract with Community Behavioral Health Center or other Mental Health Service Providers to provide in-depth information on developing Residential Programs to serve their community.  The information provided in the Consulting Services will assist the Community Behavioral Health Center from finding a suitable property to obtaining a license.